Social Media Policy

SUBJECT: Social Media Policy for Public Users of the City of Pea Ridge’s Social Media Accounts.

PURPOSE: To establish communication guidelines concerning the usage of the City’s social media accounts; such as but not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Flicker, blogs, forums, LinkedIn, and Snap Chat. These guidelines apply to all users of City of Pea Ridge owned social media accounts. Our site administrators are responsible for ensuring all users are informed of these guidelines.

All comments posted on the City of Pea Ridge’s social media accounts are monitored by administrators and should follow the guidelines listed below:

1.) For any and all emergency situations, please call 911; do not report it on the City of Pea Ridge’s social media pages.

2.) Comments are to be related to the post subject. Off subject posts are subject to deletion.

3.) Comments may not contain vulgar or profane language; sexual content or links to sexual content nor may the content promote, foster, or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, national origin, disability or any other legally protected category will be deleted by the system administrator. Posting of legitimate criticism and concerns regarding City policy or practices is permitted. Personal attacks on individuals (whether Board member, City employee, or private resident) are not tolerated. Posts of this nature will be deleted by the site administrator.

4.) Solicitation of commerce or links to commercial sites is prohibited.

5.) No solicitation for or promotion of events or activities that are not city sponsored may be posted.

6.) Comments may not advocate or encourage illegal activity or violence.

7.) Comments that contain information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems may not be posted.

8.) Reporting of power outages, code enforcement issues, traffic light malfunctions, trash pickup, street-light outages and similar issues should be reported to the appropriate division for prompt response.

Request Information or Report a Problem

9.) No infringement on copyrights or trademarks or otherwise that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party is permitted.

10.) Submitted comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions and position of the City of Pea Ridge or its employees.

11.) “Tagging” of persons in pictures is not allowed.

12.) Any non-city links that may be posted are not necessarily endorsed by the City of Pea Ridge.

13.) Although we strive to ensure that information posted is accurate, please be aware that original documents maintained by the City Clerk and various City Departments are controlling, and information posted on-line should not be relied on for any legal proceedings or other critical purpose.

14.) The City of Pea Ridge social media sites are subject to State of Arkansas public records laws. Any content maintained in a social media format that is related to City business, whether provided by a City official or private citizen, is public record and is subject to disclosure by requesting parties.

15.) Freedom of Information requests should not be submitted on this social networking site. Such requests should be submitted to the City Clerk or the City Department having custody of the information requested.

16.) Repeated abuse of, or failure to abide by, these policies may result in the user being blocked or banned from City-administered sites.

17.) These policies are subject to change at any time by site administrators. If you have any questions or comments about this policy or social networking pages, please contact us at 479-451-1122.